A new programming language is a lot of work, and the chances of any new programming language getting traction are small. Many new languages are created. Very few make it.
Perhaps even more work than the language is the platform - all the other things that are needed to make users productive with the language: standard library, package manager, IDE, debugger, documentation system, testing tools, etc. One way to reduce the cost of a new language is to leverage an existing platform, such as Java or .NET, and rely on that platform for some of the needed functionality.
Ballerina is a new programming language, and is also a platform. Although it's implemented on top of the JVM, it does not embrace the JVM. It is designed with the goal that we can do another implementation that does not use the JVM, and user code will run unchanged. (We do provide JVM interop features, but that is specifically for when you want to interop with existing JVM code.)
This raises an obvious question. Why? In this post, I want to address this question by explaining what there is in the Ballerina language and platform that could not be done except with a new language and platform. These can be grouped into three areas:
- networking: networking abstractions, which are part of the language, and implementations of those abstractions provided by the standard library;
- data and types: the kinds of values that the language operates on and the ways that the type system provides to describe these;
- concurrency: how the language enables the program to describe concurrent execution of code and control concurrent access to mutable state
These three areas are fundamental: they could not be grafted onto another language. They are also deeply interconnected. In addition, there are some supporting features that are not so fundamental, but which together provide significant value.
This blog is not a complete answer to the "Why?" question. Ballerina's development is funded by WSO2 and WSO2's ultimate goal is to create a product that is useful to its customers. But Ballerina is not itself the product: both Ballerina the language and Ballerina the platform are free and open source. The product is separate: it's a cloud service that takes advantage of Ballerina's capabilities.
Network abstractions
The Ballerina language provides abstractions for both network services and network clients, but knows nothing about specific protocols. Protocol-specific library code is needed to make these abstractions available for a specific protocol. The standard library includes this for the following protocols:
The network abstractions for clients are more straightforward than for services. For clients, the network abstraction consists of a distinct kind of object, called a client object, which has a distinct kind of method, called a remote method, which represents outbound network messages. The standard library supports a protocol by providing an implementation of a client object for that protocol. The language provides a distinctive syntax for remote method calls on client objects and syntactically restricts where such calls can appear. This enables the Ballerina VS Code extension to provide a graphical view of a function or program, which uses a sequence diagram to show the interactions between client objects and remote services. This graphical view always remains in sync with the textual view, and both views are editable.
For services, Ballerina provides a distinct kind of object, called a service object. A remote method on a service object represents a network-callable method. Incoming network messages are dispatched to service objects by using objects implementing the language-defined Listener type. The standard library supports a protocol for services by providing an implementation of the Listener type for the protocol. The language also provides convenient syntax for a module to construct a Listener object, and to define a service object and attach it to a Listener object.
For many languages, the execution model of a program is simply to call a function, which represents the entry point of the program. In Ballerina, the services defined by a program's modules are the network entry points of the program, and this is incorporated into the execution model of a Ballerina program. When a program is executed, every module will first be initialized; this will construct and connect up the module's Listener and service objects. After all modules have been initialized, the program enters a listening phase, which makes the Listeners start accepting network input. The execution model also deals with shutting down services.
The language-provided network abstractions make a program's interaction with the network explicit. This is used to provide network observability. It is also the basis for the code-to-cloud support, which uses compiler extensions to generate artifacts needed for deployment to different cloud platforms (K8s, Azure, AWS). This is also the
Service objects support the concept of a resource method, which enables a more data-oriented view of services. This can be thought of as a network-oriented generalization of OO getter/setter methods, where get/set is generalized to the protocol-defined method (e.g. the HTTP method name get/put/post) and the property name is generalized to a path. The standard library provides implementations of this for HTTP and GraphQL services. This avoids the pain that comes from having to artificially combine the HTTP method name and the resource path into a single identifier (what OpenAPI calls the operationId). We are working on extending the resource method concept to client objects.
Normally when a service and client use a request-response message exchange pattern the remote method on the service can use its return value to provide its response to a request. But this is not always sufficient: in some cases, the service may want to control what happens if there is an error in sending the response; in other cases, they may be using a more complex message exchange pattern. Ballerina models this by passing a client object as an argument to the service's remote method; the service's remote method calls remote methods on this client object to send messages back to the client.
Data and types
Plain data
One of the most fundamental aspects of Ballerina is its focus on plain data. This is called anydata
in Ballerina and is analogous to the POD (Plain Old Data) concept in C++. It is pure data, independent of processing that might be applied to the data.
Messages exchanged by network protocols are represented by plain data; the implementations of network protocols can automatically serialize plain data in a format appropriate to the protocol. In particular, plain data can be directly serialized to and from JSON in a simple, natural way.
The whole Ballerina platform is designed to maximize use of plain data. Objects, which bundle methods with data, are not plain data, and the platform uses plain data rather than objects, unless the specific functionality provided by objects is needed. Services and clients are represented as objects; the parameters and return values of remote methods are plain data.
Structured data throughout the platform is represented using the built-in map and array types, which are plain data, rather than using library-defined collection types. In addition to maps and arrays, Ballerina provides a built-in table type, which allows for collections with arbitrary plain data keys (maps have only string keys as in JSON); tables are automatically transformed into arrays of objects when serializing to JSON. The table type provides enough power that even sophisticated, complex programs can be written using only the language-provided collection types.
Ballerina has a structural type system, which has several features typically found in schema languages, such as unions and open records. The overall result is that Ballerina types for plain data work well as schemas for network messages. Subtyping is simple and flexible because it is semantic: types are thought as sets of values, with subtyping corresponding to the subset relationship between the corresponding sets. For example, a user-defined record type is a map. This allows the platform to easily convert between user-defined types and generic types (like anydata
). Converting to the generic type is a no-op, because of the subtype relationship. In the other direction, the platform uses a language capability (similar to a type cast) to validate and convert the value to a user-defined type.
Types for services
The user defines a service by writing resource methods or remote methods. For the HTTP and GraphQL protocols, the user can define types (most often record types) and use them for the parameters and return values. The platform's Listener implementation for the protocol makes this just work: the incoming messages will be validated and converted using the parameter types. Annotations can be used to fine-tune this, for example to control whether a method parameter should come from a query parameter or the payload.
The platform can also use the service definitions to generate an IDL. For HTTP, this would be OpenAPI. The types specified for the parameters and return value are converted to a JSON schema.
This works for GraphQL in a similar way: the GraphQL Listener exposes a GraphQL service; it constructs the GraphQL schema for this service from the types in the resource methods; GraphQL introspection is used to make the schema available to clients at runtime.
For gRPC, the platform uses an IDL-first approach (the gRPC community's preferred approach). The platform allows a Ballerina service definition stub to be generated from the gRPC service definitions.
Types for clients
The platform uses two approaches to allow clients to work with typed data. The remote method on the generic client class can at runtime convert the response to a user-specified type passed as an argument.
Alternatively, the platform can generate an application-specific client class from the service's IDL. Note that this supports the same graphical view as the generic client. For GraphQL, the platform can generate an application-specific typed client using a user-specified set of GraphQL queries.
The graphical view of a function as a sequence diagram provided by the VS Code extension shows not only how the function accesses network services, but also the concurrent logic of the function. The language's worker-based concurrency primitives are designed for this graphical view. In the sequence diagram, each worker is represented by a vertical lifeline, and a message passed between workers is represented by a horizontal arrow between the corresponding lifelines. The textual representation is more complex, and requires the compiler to pair up sends and receives. The compiler can also detect potential deadlocks. These primitives have limited expressiveness compared to the concurrency primitives offered by most languages, but are much easier and safer to use in cases where this expressiveness is sufficient.
Ballerina allows programmers to make use of shared mutable state in a familiar way, yet the platform also allows user-defined services to be executed in parallel, with a compile-time safety guarantee that this will not cause data races. This leverages a combination of language features: a simple locking primitive, read-only types, and a concept of isolation. The last of these is a complex, multi-faceted feature, but the compiler can infer it within a single module. The overall effect is the compiler can check whether a service's access to mutable state is always properly locked; if it is, then the Listener implementation allows parallel execution of that service; if not, then the compiler can tell the user that they need to add locks.
The platform uses asynchronous IO throughout, but this is not exposed to the programmer. Async functions are not distinguished as a separate kind of function. The programmer can instead think in terms of logical threads of control, which Ballerina calls strands; these are similar to virtual threads proposed for Java, or goroutines in Go.
Supporting features
The language provides transaction-related features, which make it easier to code robust transaction logic and enable some logic errors to be caught at compile-time. (Note that this is not transactional memory.) These rely on their being a transaction manager provided by the runtime and standard library.
The language accommodates distributed transactions by allowing service and client remote and resource methods to be transaction-aware. It also supports a form of compensation by allowing participants in a distributed transaction to register code to be run when a distributed transaction completes. What makes distributed transactions work is not so much the language as the runtime and standard libraries: these provide a distributed transaction manager and support for transactions in the HTTP listener and client implementation..
The standard library provides support for accessing SQL databases. A SQL database is accessed using a client object. Database transactions integrate with the language's transaction features by making the remote methods on the SQL client object be transactional.
Data with types defined by the SQL schema are transformed into Ballerina values having user-defined record types using the same language features that other network clients use to transform data received from the server.
SQL queries are represented using a template feature similar to JavaScript template literals. This allows Ballerina values representing query parameters to be automatically converted to SQL values.
The language-provided stream type is used to return the results of a query. The language-integrated query feature can be applied to streams directly to allow for further program code to further refine the query results or combine them with the results of queries from other databases, without having to keep the full result in memory.
Configuration data
Most real-life programs need access to configuration data at runtime. Ballerina has language support for this. The language support consists just of allowing specific module-level variables to be declared as configurable; there can be a default for the value or it can be required to be specified in the configuration. The runtime uses a TOML file to initialize configurable variables.
Although this is a very simple language feature, it combines with other Ballerina language features (types, plain data, read-only) to provide a powerful capability: the structure and type of all configuration input to a program is known at compile time, which greatly facilitates the management of the data by higher-level layers.
Language-integrated query
Ballerina provides a language-integrated query feature, which is a generalization of the list comprehensions found in many programming languages. The syntax is similar to C# LINQ declarative query syntax. But whereas the semantics of the C# LINQ syntax are defined in terms of a desugaring into method calls, the semantics of the Ballerina query syntax (which are inspired by XQuery FLWOR expressions) are defined directly in terms of operations on Ballerina's built-in collection types.
The table collection type and query are designed to work nicely together. Tables are similar to lists of records with a primary key. List comprehensions can be extended to handle these more smoothly than maps, where the key and value are separate. Queries have a join clause that turns into a hash join when used with tables.
Query allows many data transformations to be written in a declarative way, using expressions rather than statements, which enables a graphical user interface based on data flow.
Ballerina has a separate xml data-type
, modeled after XQuery, which also counts as plain data.
The platform supports two ways of serializing xml values. When the entire network message is XML, then the xml value is serialized as an XML document. When an xml value is included within a structure serialized as JSON, the xml value is serialized as a JSON string. This is convenient when the xml
value is being used to represent HTML.
The language-integrated query feature also works with xml
: XML structures can be used as input and/or output to a query. This combines with a specialized XPath-like XML-navigation syntax.
The long-term vision for Ballerina includes a number of important features which are not yet implemented, but which have a foundation in existing language features.
- Event streams (unbounded streams of records with timestamps). Be able to both generate them and query them (using various kinds of windows). Related to this is more first-class support for a client subscribing to a stream of events from the server.
- Network security. Language support to help the user avoid network security problems (we have experimented with a feature similar to tainting in Perl); this can leverage the explicitness of network interactions in Ballerina.
- Service choreography. Be able to write a single description that describes how multiple services interact and use that to derive the types of individual services. This could handle services implemented in other programming languages by using Ballerina service types as an IDL.
- Workflow. Support long-running process execution. Be able to suspend a program and later resume it as a result of an incoming network message. This also requires that transactions get better support for compensation.
1 comment:
Under "Network Abstractions,"
> The language-provided network abstractions ... . This is also the
has a dangling sentence at the end of the brief paragraph.
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